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Latest News

Missing - Smokey - a small, dark grey cat with a white splodge under her chin. Smoley disappeared from her home in South Moreton on 3rd August and her owners are desperate for news. Please call 07964223591 if you have any information.

Please note we are currently unable to accept any books other than novels, CDs, or DVDs.

We respectfully ask our generous donors not to leave donations on the doorstep when the shop is closed as it presents a trip hazard and you may be liable to prosecution for fly tipping.

We would be very grateful for any donations of good quality, clean clothing, china, and ornaments, but we are unable to accept electrical items as we cannot sell them by law.

We have taken in approximately 200 hedhehogs so far this year; a record number! Please note that we are unable to help with any hedgehogs smaller than an adult fist. If you are concerned about the well-being of any hedgehog this small please take them either yo Tiggywinkles or your nearest vet. Thank you.

Looking for forever homes

A nine month old male (unneutered) Cornish Rex..

Two nine year old Bengal Cats - one male, one female.

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